Lending info to make sure you are prepared for a successful
home buying transaction!

Ready to apply? Your local Louisville lender is ready and available for you!

Mike Frank | Homestretch Mortgage | Local Mortgage Lender

From pre-planning to finalizing, Homestretch Mortgage
will walk you through each stage of the home loan process.

  • Pre-Planning: Talking to our mortgage professionals is the best place to get started. Getting the information needed for your next steps gives you the freedom to make the right decisions.

  • Pre-Approval: Our easy pre-approval process is the first step to knowing what you are working with.

  • Options: Getting pre-approved is just the start, it’s all about knowing the best loan options for you in your current situation.

  • Finalize: Once you know your approval amount and what options you have, it’s time to start looking for your new home! Don’t worry you aren’t alone here either. We will be with you every step of the way!

Download Mike’s App to make your home buying process easier!

Our App also includes a free mortgage calculator! This allows homeowners to determine their future mortgage payments giving you peace of mind and the information you need to succeed!

Mike Frank | Homestretch Mortgage | Local Mortgage Lender Near Me

need to find out your rate? Need a pre-qualification letter?

Text “MikeFrank” to 36260 for a free mortgage application or contact us today!

Learn more about how your credit is broken down!

Mike Frank | Homestretch Mortgage | Local Mortgage Lender Louisville, KY

PAYMENT HISTORY (35%) The first thing any lender wants to know is whether the borrower has paid past credit accounts on time This is one of the most important factors in the Credit Scoring Model.

AMOUNTS OWED (30%) Having credit accounts and owing money on them does not necessarily mean someone is a high-risk borrower with a Low Credit Score. But manage the balances.

LENGTH OF CREDIT HISTORY (15%) In general, a longer credit history will increase Credit Scores. However, even people who haven't been using credit for very long may still have high Credit Scores, depending on how the rest of the credit report looks.

TYPES OF CREDIT IN USE (10%) Credit Scores are impacted favorably by a mix of different types of accounts: credit cards, retail accounts, installment loans, finance company accounts, and mortgage loans.

NEW CREDIT (10%) Research shows that opening several credit accounts in a short period of time represents a greater risk - especially for people who don't have a long credit history.

Ready to get started?


Once you’re ready and the process has started, follow the ten commandments of buying a home so there are no issues during the loan approval process!

Mike Frank | Homestretch Mortgage | Best local mortgage lender

As always we are here to help! Contact us today if you have any questions or if you are ready to get started!